Crosby's Blog

The unvarnished words of EWA Chief Strategy Officer Mark Crosby.  

  • 09/12/2017

    Before we get to this week’s news highlights (in EWA's member newsletter The Insider), I’m compelled to comment in response to the FCC’s back-to-back denials of waiver requests (see related stories below) from business enterprises that sought permission to use spectrum capacity that, while admittedly assigned for eligible classes of users other than EWA’s two applicants at the moment, is

  • 06/05/2017

    Washington County, Oregon, with a population of 563,000, is currently licensed for over seventy (!) 800 MHz channels, but apparently the seventy plus channels provide insufficient spectrum capacity despite advances in system design and the application of digital technologies.

  • 04/28/2017

    For the record, while Federal Licensing, Inc. may have a “Renewal/Modification Division,” the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) does not. We repeat – the FCC does not have a “Renewal/Modification Division.” We bring this to our member’s attention as another in a series of Federal Licensing, Inc.

  • 04/05/2017

    Many suspecting licensees, along with their wireless service providers, are contacting EWA asking “are these guys for real” after receiving misleading communications from “Federal Licensing, Inc.

  • 03/09/2017

    This past week, FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly asked whether certain information collection mandates by the FCC are “truly justified,” noting that certain rules stay in place past any useful purpose, while the burden can accumulate unnoticed for segments of the industry.  What an incredible observation and call for action, which has EWA’s total support. 

  • 03/09/2017

    EWA took a pass on this one back in 2015 when the North Carolina State Highway Patrol (NC State) filed for a waiver of the 800 MHz inter-category sharing freeze to access a B/ILT channel in order to accommodate capacity shortfall issues at its Hibriten Mountain site.

  • 02/15/2017

    Isn’t it time to review the three-year public safety priority access to Sprint-vacated 800 MHz spectrum, followed by yet another two-year priority access period that adds CII entities to the mix? It has been more than twelve long years since this spectrum segregation policy was first adopted, and its basis, 800 MHz rebanding, is now virtually complete.

  • 12/14/2016

    In August, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that proposes an opportunity for Business/Industrial Land Transportation (B/ILT) and public safety incumbent 800 MHz licensees to have priority access for a limited time period to 800 MHz Expansion Band (EB) B/ILT channels – or at least whatever EB B/ILT channels are still a

  • 11/09/2016

    I read with amazement, in the October 2016 issue of MissionCritical Communications, the announcement that Potomac Spectrum Partners (PSP) was planning to roll out a nationwide TETRA-based public safety network using Space Data’s 900 MHz spectrum and balloon communications technology.

  • 05/04/2016

    I try to avoid responding in a serious manner to those who want you to believe that they can barely control their emotions over the potential injustices that would be perpetrated against unknowing licensees if they were not there to issue a call to arms and personally defend the masses.
