Crosby's Blog

The unvarnished words of EWA Chief Strategy Officer Mark Crosby.  

  • 03/18/2019

    As a 470-512 MHz (T-Band) licensee or an organization that provides services and/or access to T-Band systems, you are familiar with the fact that the Middle-Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act (Act), passed by Congress in 2012, mandates the repurposing of this critical spectrum for consumer-based uses following a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) auction.

  • 02/07/2019

    You must wonder what thought processes folks go through to create such ridiculous circumstances. Take Barnstable High School in Barnstable, Massachusetts for example.  What were they thinking?

  • 08/10/2018

    Note: This edition of Crosby's Blog is guest authored by EWA Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & Spectrum Strategies Robin Cohen. 

  • 08/09/2018

    Presumably on the notion that nothing ventured is nothing gained, License Acquisitions, LLC (LA), a new member of the M2M Networks/Smartcomm family of companies, requested a waiver to reinstate four 800 MHz Guard Band licenses that are to be moved to the Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio (ESMR) Band.

  • 02/22/2018

    Earlier this week, the Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) filed comments in response to APCO’s opposition to EWA’s request for clarification of the Commission’s decision to exempt public safety licensees from the new license renewal certification requirements.

  • 01/15/2018

    For some 10 years, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) had granted OTZ Telecommunications numerous extensions of its deadline for construction to bring cellular service to Ambler, Alaska, located in the Northwest Arctic Borough.

  • 12/12/2017

    Many of our wireless sales and service member organizations are lamenting the fact that manufacturers from Asia are selling radio devices that are not only exceedingly inexpensive, but come equipped with instructions on how to tune the portable radios to potentially hundreds of channels ranging from 136-174 MHz and 400-512 MHz without regard to eligibility requirements.  EWA’s research reveals

  • 11/13/2017

    This is an updated version of our earlier article covering the shenanigans of Federal Licensing, Inc. (“Federal Licensing”), and continues to serve as a warning to you and your customers who may receive this outfit’s "I’m here to save you" solicitations. 

  • 11/07/2017

    Well, let it be officially noted that I was unequivocally in error drawing the conclusion in earlier blogs this year that Federal License Management, LLC is an alias created by Federal Licensing, Inc.

  • 10/19/2017

    We get it. The Pai Commission does not like determining spectrum policy through waivers.
