EWA Files Ex Parte Comments on Higher Ground Waiver Request

On November 22, 2016, the Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) filed comments in response to a waiver request filed by Higher Ground LLC, which seeks a blanket license to operate up to 50,000 mobile earth terminals (“METs” or SatPaqs”) throughout the United States. As described in the request, the SatPaqs will permit consumer-based text messaging/light email and Internet of Things (“IoT”) communications on C-Band satellite frequencies in the 3700-4200 MHz (downlink) and 5925-6425 MHz (uplink) bands.  

In its comments, EWA urged the FCC to deny the request and consider the Higher Ground proposal, if at all, in response to a Petition for Rulemaking.

Monday, November 28, 2016