Summit Highlights Spectrum Crunch
Chairman Genachowski’s opening for the FCC Spectrum Summit says it all, “If we don’t act to update our spectrum policies for the 21st Century, we’re going to run into a wall - a spectrum crunch that will stifle American innovation and economic growth and cost us the opportunity to lead the world in mobile communications.” The October 21st event focused on mobile broadband’s potential to drive economic growth, create new jobs and ensure that America has the spectrum resources necessary to realize these possibilities. MORE Comments by Chairman Genachowski
Category: In the newsPG&E Requests Waivers
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) is seeking an extended implementation schedule and several FCC rule waivers in order to meet their spectrum and licensing needs for a single, integrated private wireless system. PG&E states they will develop the new system using existing licenses including Part 90 PLMR, CMRS licenses and Part 22 paging station licenses they recently acquired. Comments are due on November 12th and reply comments no later than November 22nd. FCC Public Notice
Category: In the newsLMCC Awaits TIA’s Views on “Affected Party” Guidelines
Earlier this summer, the Land Mobile Communications Council (LMCC) sought guidance from the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) concerning the determination of “affected party” incumbent licensees to be defined within FCC Rule 90.187, Trunking in the bands between 150 and 512 MHz. It is anticipated TIA’s response will be forthcoming within weeks. Second Report & Order & Second Further Notice Of Proposed Rule Making
Category: In the newsPublic Workshop to Address Cybersecurity Threats
A public workshop and webinar will be held on Friday November 5, 2010, from 9 AM to 12 PM EDT to consider the five threats to cybersecurity identified by the FCC, and to develop a plan to address these threats. The workshop is designed to allow panelists and the public to discuss what should be included in the Cybersecurity Roadmap recommended by the National Broadband Plan. The event is sponsored by the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. FCC Public Notice
Category:Spectrum Deficit to Reach 300 Megahertz by 2015
A recent FCC White Paper forecast shows that American consumers are likely to exceed the capacity of wireless networks in the near-term, causing a 300 MHz deficit within 5 years. Additional mobile broadband and spectrum would meet the needs of the consumer, support innovation in mobile online learning and enhance life-saving remote diagnostics in health care. MORE Technical Paper
Category:FCC Freezes Low Power TV Applications
The Media Bureau has frozen the acceptance of applications for new Low Power TV and TV translator stations after the National Broadband Plan called for efforts to identify 500 MHz of spectrum for reallocation from existing uses to the expansion of the new mobile broadband service. This will give the Commission time to evaluate the reallocation of 120 MHz from the broadcast TV bands and consider the methodologies for repacking full-power television channels to increase the efficiency of channel use. After broadband rule-making proceedings conclude, a new date to resume accepting applications will be announced. FCC Public Notice
Category:School Learns Several Lessons
East Windsor Regional School District in Highstown, New Jersey received a Notice of Violation (NOV) from the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau after it received a complaint about a digital signal. The school was only authorized to operate an analog system on 461/466.900 MHz, so they were cited for operating in digital mode, not from their authorized location, and for failing to transmit their call sign every 15 minutes as required by FCC Rule 90.425, Station Identification. Notice of Violation
Category: Enforcement CornerTaxicab Company Receives Two FCC Notices In One Day
The owner of a taxicab company in Spring Valley, New York received a Notice of Unlicensed Operation (NOUO) for an unauthorized FM station and a Notice of Violation (NOV) for a private land mobile station operating at an unauthorized location. In response to a complaint about the operation of a FM station on 90.5 MHz, the FCC monitored the radio signal for three days and determined that it exceeded Part 15 field strength measurements. After an onsite inspection, the owner turned off the transmitter and removed the antenna. The FCC issued a $10,000 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture for the unlicensed FM station, but no forfeiture was assessed for the unlicensed location.
Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture Notice of Unlicensed Operation Notice of Violation