Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment on Supplement to Enterprise Wireless Alliance and Pacific Datavision, Inc. Petition for Rulemaking Regarding Realignment of 900 MHz Spectrum

With this Public Notice, we seek comment on a supplement to the Petition for Rulemaking (Petition) filed by Enterprise Wireless Alliance and Pacific DataVision, Inc. (collectively Petitioners) regarding realignment of 896-901/935-940 MHz (900 MHz) spectrum.1 On November 17, 2014, Petitioners filed the Petition requesting that the Commission open a rulemaking proceeding to realign the 900 MHz band to create a private enterprise broadband allocation.2 Petitioners proposed that the band be divided into a 3/3 MHz broadband segment (898-901/937-40 MHz) to be assigned to a Private Enterprise Broadband (PEBB) licensee, and a 2/2 MHz narrowband segment (896-98/935-37 MHz).

Wednesday, May 13, 2015