Twilight Zone - Fixed or Mobile Clocks?

American Time & Signal (ATS) has chosen to confront EWA’s request for clarification regarding the FCC’s decision to permit ATS to license what are fixed location wireless clock installations as mobile stations under a private carrier license granted to ATS. Specifically, EWA asked the FCC whether the installations should be considered as having standing for channel exclusivity evaluations, to what extent these fixed installations had monitoring obligations, and whether FCC approval of ATS as a private carrier licensee is a policy that would be extended to other entities. In its response, ATS suggested that EWA’s questions were largely misplaced because they principally question the applicability of rules governing fixed stations” where “in fact, the additional locations were licensed to ATS as mobile stations and the applicability or other relevance of rules governing fixed stations thus is not apparent.” This is where The Twilight Zone's  Rod Serling needs to suddenly appear and ask whether these clock installations while operational as fixed stations are permitted to be licensed as mobile stations to ease ATS’ licensing burden, although they actually are not moving around campuses, so it isn’t exactly clear what FCC rules are supposed to be applicable in the first place. Stay tuned as EWA will be filing another set of comments despite its “misplaced” concerns. ATS Comments