The Enterprise Wireless Insider e-newsletter is sent to members of EWA at leaset twice each month. In it, members find news about EWA’s most recent advocacy activity, wireless technology and regulatory news and information on actions members may want to take. The most popular section, Enforcement Corner, offers examples of FCC actions against licensees and others who do not comply with FCC rules and regulations. Insider also includes a calendar of EWA outreach activities, training and conference sessions.
Advertising Rates
One year: 24 issues for $1,800 (member)/$2,160 (non-member)
6 months: 12 issues for $1,680 (member)/$2,016 (non-member)
3 months: 6 issues for $900 (member)/$1,080 (non-member).
Note: Rates listed are net, non-commissionable. First-time advertisers will be required to complete a credit application.
Horizontal banner ads are 468 X 60 (pixels) and can be submitted as 72 dpi .jpg or .png files.
Interested in Providing Content?
- EWA will consider press releases about business and industry news, but not product releases.
- The Enterprise Wireless Insider contains short-format news stories only. Accepted press releases will be edited to conform with space restrictions.
- EWA accepts only press releases submitted by its members.
- Companies participating in the Enterprise Wireless Solutions Center® may upload to their Solutions Center profile as many press releases as they wish. Contact us.