In a “Reply to Petition for Clarification and/or Reconsideration” filed October 25, 2018, the Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) supported a request of the Utilities Technology Council (UTC) that the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reconsider aspects of its temporary application filing freeze on certain applications for 896-901/935-940 MHz (900 MHz Band) spectrum.
In its comments, EWA noted that it represents 900 MHz Band incumbents who, like the entities described in the UTC Petition, may need to respond to changing business requirements while the FCC determines its next steps. Further, EWA stated that a modified freeze, such as one modeled after the earlier 900 MHz Band freeze, “would accommodate the legitimate needs of band incumbents, without opening the door for speculative applications that compromise spectrum management and efficiency objectives.” EWA recommended modifying the freeze “to allow incumbent licensees to modify existing systems by relocating and/or adding both sites and frequencies, even if doing so increases the spectral landscape.”
EWA is encouraged that the FCC, in a statement that accompanied its freeze notice, noted that the freeze was initiated “as part of its ongoing inquiry into potential rule changes to promote next-generation technologies and service in the band,” as that language suggests that the industry may soon have an opportunity to comment on a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that addresses the implementation of a Private Enterprise broadband proposal.