EWA Petitions FCC for Delay of Construction Deadlines in Response to Coronavirus Pandemic


The Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) has requested the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to waive until August 31, 2020, the requirement that site-based and mobile-only wireless systems complete construction of facilities with buildout deadlines between March 15, 2020 and August 31, 2020. Granting temporary waiver relief would be consistent with other public interest actions the Commission has taken in response to the extraordinary disruption being caused by the coronavirus pandemic and would relieve the FCC of having to act on a large number of individual waiver requests that otherwise could be filed.

The nation finds itself in an unprecedented situation. Much of the population has been advised to self-quarantine by remaining at home and to maintain social distancing when outside their homes. An increasing number of Americans have contracted the virus and are in varying states of medical distress. The result has been a dramatic reduction in business activity in this country, especially activity that requires humans to interact. Because the pandemic is an international problem, it has caused significant supply chain delays that affect many products, including wireless telecommunications equipment. Activities that were routine and easily achievable, as well as products that were routinely available even one month ago, now present entirely unexpected challenges.

“A four-month waiver of all buildout requirements for mobile only and site-based wireless systems will protect the health and safety of the employees of affected American businesses,” said EWA President Mark Crosby. “EWA urgently requests that the FCC provide this relief.”


About EWA

The Enterprise Wireless Alliance is the leading national trade association and advocate for business enterprises, private carrier operators, equipment manufacturers, and service providers that support the private wireless industry. A frequency advisory committee certified by the Federal Communications Commission, EWA provides its members and clients with consulting services, frequency coordination, license preparation, spectrum management and associated business intelligence services. EWA is the market leader in Business/Industrial Land Transportation frequency coordination services and assists a significant percentage of public safety customers with their spectrum requirements. Learn more at www.enterprisewireless.org