The Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) strongly supports time-limited incumbent priority access to 800 MHz Business/Industrial Land Transportation (B/ILT) Expansion Band channels and cites a waiver request filed by the Arizona Public Service Company (APSC) as an illustration of the need for such an access period.
APSC, a current 800 MHz licensee, has requested waivers of the long-standing 800 MHz freeze in the Mexican border regions and for early access to Expansion Band spectrum (860 MHz) for use in a new, statewide, 57-site, digital Project 25 system. APSC’s current system had reached its end of life and is no longer supported. For the new system, APSC requests two new 800 MHz B/ILT channels at each location, some of which are Expansion Band channels, in addition to reusing current 800 MHz channels throughout the system. APSC has committed to surrendering channels no longer needed once the cutover to the new system is complete, making them available to other applicants.
“APSC provides an essential public service, has a demonstrable need for 800 MHz channels to fulfill its responsibilities, and will put the spectrum into productive use within a timeline approved by the FCC,” and under these circumstances, EWA recommends FCC grant of APSC’s request.