Further Notice on 6 GHz Released
As anticipated, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and intends to adopt rules permitting unlicensed operations in the 6 GHz band at its April 23 meeting. The FCC will adopt a Report & Order that will permit two types of unlicensed operations tailored to protect incumbent services that operate in distinct parts of the 6 GHz band; and, will issue a Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making that will propose to permit unlicensed devices to operate both indoors and outdoors across the entire 6 GHz band at very low power. A considerable number of filings have been submitted to the FCC in this proceeding stating that interference is inevitable, and many other filings have argued the interference, if any, will be minimal. What we do know is that the FCC is committed to make this band available for unlicensed devices.
Category: EWA On Your Side
T-Band Legislation
On April 3, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and seven colleagues urged Senate leadership to include language that would preserve first responders’ access to T-band spectrum in upcoming coronavirus economic relief legislation. Their joint letter explained, “At a time when first responders already face enormous pressure and economic strain to address the pandemic, the last thing we should do is saddle them with millions of dollars in costs to needlessly alter their critical communications systems.” All signatories were Democrats from states with T-Band markets (Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Balti/DC, San Francisco, and Los Angeles). It is unknown whether Republican Senators representing Miami, Dallas, and/or Houston will join the effort. It is plausible that the entire T-Band take away debacle will be resolved in further COVID-19 economic assistance legislation.
Category: EWA On Your Side
Extending Construction Deadlines
The Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) has requested the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to waive until August 31, 2020, the requirement that site-based and mobile-only wireless systems complete construction of facilities with buildout deadlines between March 15, 2020 and August 31, 2020. Granting temporary waiver relief would be consistent with other public interest actions the Commission has taken in response to the extraordinary disruption being caused by the coronavirus pandemic and would relieve the FCC of having to act on a large number of individual waiver requests that otherwise could be filed. We will keep the membership appraised of any FCC developments.
Category: EWA On Your Side
NYC Given Greater Access to T-Band
On April 10, the FCC granted New York City Special Temporary Authority to expand the capacity and coverage of the Fire Department of New York’s communications system using T-Band spectrum to support emergency medical dispatch operations during the coronavirus pandemic. The grant included access to additional frequencies.
Category: In the news
STA and Waiver Requests During Pandemic
The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) of the FCC has created a compilation of instructions for filing Special Temporary Authority (STA) and waiver requests in response to the declaration of national emergency due to COVID-19 issued on March 13, 2020. The guideline document is available at the FCC website.
Category: In the news
Mic Maker Fined $685K
The FCC has proposed a $685,338 forfeiture against Sound Around, Inc., a Brooklyn-based company, for marketing 32 models of apparently non-compliant wireless microphones, some that threatened public safety operations. The allegedly non-compliant models are identified in the NAL. These mics are marketed through Best Buy and Home Depot.
Category: Enforcement Corner