That Pays For a Lot of Rafts!!!
Colorado River Adventures (yes, a rafting adventure firm) was fined $12,000 for operating an unlicensed land mobile radio system on frequency 154.600 MHz in Julian, California which caused “spurious emissions” and interference to nearby YMCA facility on 151.865 MHz.
Category: Enforcement CornerPrison Communications Are Tough Enough
Terry Van Volkenburg, holder of amateur license KC5RF, was held liable by the FCC for transmitting communications over prison communications systems from his home in Cocoa, Florida on frequency 465.300 MHz, and causing interference to prison communication systems for a period of at least two months. Van Volkenburg’s license does not authorize him to operate on any public safety frequencies nor do the Commission’s records indicate any authorization issued to operate a private land mobile station at his location. For his “willful and repeated violation”, he was fined $25,000.
Category: Enforcement Corner