Ex Parte Letter on Meeting Regarding Regulatory Fees

In a November 9, 2016, meeting Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) Executive Director of Regulatory Affairs and Spectrum Strategies Robin Cohen met with staff from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Office of Managing Director to discuss the regulatory fees imposed on Private Land Mobile Radio Service (PLMRS) exclusive-use and shared-use licenses. In an ex parte letter filed on the meeting, EWA noted that while the fee for an individual license may not be large, the “fees represent a burden” to the small businesses that use them to support a business enterprise or dispatch service. Further, EWA noted that renewals occur randomly, in accord with the date on which a license was granted, and that tracking these filing obligations can be a challenge. Staff of the Office of the Managing Director invited EWA to this meeting because of the large volume of PLMRS licenses its members hold. Other topics in the meeting included the importance of having email associated with all PLMRS licenses in an age of electronic filing. Having a correct email on file will allow the FCC to contact the licensee at minimal cost.

Thursday, November 10, 2016