On April 20, 2018, the Enterprise Wireless Alliance filed a response to a Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) ex parte letter that requested that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reject the recommendation of all other 16 member organizations that comprise the Land Mobile Communications Council (LMCC) to allow a time-limited period for incumbent 800 MHz licensees to add Expansion Band (EB) and Guard Band (GB) channels to existing systems before opening the spectrum to new entrants. WIA’s basic argument that such a decision would limit innovation and technological advances in the 800 MHz band.
In response, EWA argued that “incumbents are just as likely to introduce innovation as are new entrants. In fact, one could argue that the public safety, manufacturing, utility, aviation, pipeline, and other entities that constitute the PLMR community, companies whose operations are essential to the day-to-day activities of the nation, have proven track records of demanding and deploying increasingly efficient and advanced technology that enable them to provide services to the public and to remain competitive in an increasingly challenging worldwide marketplace.” In closing, EWA urged the Commission to adopt the LMCC recommendation regarding the licensing of 800 MHz EB/GB spectrum and to reject WIA’s singular opposition to it.