Crosby Sees the Light
On December 1, Mark Crosby presented “Narrowbanding: What’s that Light at the End of the Tunnel?” at Creative Communications’ 2010 Wireless Technology Open House in Phoenix, Arizona. Creative Communications hosted the full day event for their public safety and business enterprise customers that included educational workshops and over 20 product displays. If you are planning to host a customer day in 2011 and having EWA present would add value, please contact Louise Hippolyte at 703.797.5106 or for additional information.
Category: EWA On Your SideFCC Keeps its Broadband Focus on the TV Bands
A new NPR has been initiated by the FCC to “repurpose portions of the UHF and VHF TV spectrum for flexible use by fixed and mobile wireless communications services, including mobile broadband.” Of course, the FCC pledged its commitment to preserve over the air TV service, but noted its intention to provide for an orderly “transition of a portion of the TV bands for flexible uses." In a footnote, the Commission acknowledged that there were land mobile operations operating on channels 14-20 and said that they would address appropriate changes “in the event that we were to decide to recover spectrum now used by those services.” Comments are due 45 days after the date of publication of this NPR in the Federal Register. MORE: FCC News FCC NPRM 10-235
Category: In the newsFCC Promotes Dynamic Spectrum Use Technologies
The Commission released a Notice of Inquiry that seeks comment on the variety of ways in which dynamic spectrum access radios and techniques may promote more intensive and efficient use of the radio spectrum. Of note, the Inquiry states that spectrum that previously had been thought of as scraps of non-contiguous channels now can be “woven together” to provide communications capability. MORE: NOI FCC 10-198
Category: In the newsFCC May Expand Designated Entity Eligibility
A preference for those who have “overcome substantial disadvantages” may be granted in future FCC spectrum auctions should recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Diversity for Communications in the Digital Age eventually be adopted. The Committee cites “physical disabilities or psychological disorders that have rendered professional or business advancement substantially more difficult” as part of their “non-exhaustive list” of disadvantages that could be considered. The FCC has requested that comments be filed 40 days after publication in the Federal Register on how preference eligibility would be established and administered. MORE: Advisory Commission Recommendation FCC PN DA 10-2259
Category: In the newsPublic Safety Receives Daily Narrowbanding Reminders
The Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau’s website not only reminds viewers of the narrowbanding rules, but now includes a clock that is counting down the days until January 1, 2013, the date by which licensees are to be operating at 12.5 kHz efficiency or better. The site includes links to Federal grant programs, related FCC News Releases and FAQs relating to policy-related issues. MORE: FCC News Release
Category: In the news
A Reminder Regarding January 1, 2011 Narrowbanding
Of course, our readers know that effective January 1, 2011, the FCC will dismiss applications for new systems that request 25 kHz channel bandwidths or applications that would expand the geographic footprints of existing 25 kHz licensed systems. MORE: FCC PN Narrowband Reminder DA 10-2294
Category: In the newsNew Source of Money for Narrowband Equipment Purchases
Equipment purchases and narrowbanding user education programs may now be potentially funded with Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) grants which are managed by NTIA. NPSTC
Category: In the newsFCC Wants to Inspire Dreaming
Citing a goal to inspire researchers to “dream, discover and deliver” mobile device and service innovations, the FCC announced six areas of expansion for the Experimental Radio Service (ERS). Recommendations include a broader research license for universities and researchers; geographically defined “innovation zones”; new rules for medical experimentation; and streamlining existing rules and procedures. Comments on this NPR are due 30 days after date of publication in the Federal Register. NPRM FCC 10-197
Category:Public Safety Industry Says No Thanks
Public safety entities have lined up solidly against the possibility of allowing public safety 700 MHz narrowband spectrum to be used for broadband purposes, stating that allowing such flexible use would impair public safety operations, hinder interoperability, create significant potential for interference, and negatively impact regional spectrum planning initiatives. Motorola, Harris and AT&T shared public safety’s concerns. FCC PN DA 10-1877
Category:Retirement No Excuse
The City of Columbus, Ohio requested reinstatement of their expired Multiple Address System license noting they missed the renewal deadline by 14 months because the notices had been sent to an employee who had been retired for over six years. The FCC dismissed the City’s reconsideration for a late-filed renewal application noting that the City was solely responsible to know the terms of their license and to submit a renewal application in a timely manner, not the retired employee.
MORE: FCC City of Columbus, OH
Bad Karma
The FCC’s Enforcement Bureau issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture (NAL) fining Good Karma Broadcasting, LLC (Good Karma) in the amount of $4,000 for failing to fully disclose the material terms of a broadcasted contest, which violates Section 73.1216 of the Commission’s rules. Good Karma broadcasted a contest called “Who Said That?” where listeners identified the voice recording of unnamed sports individuals by either calling in or sending an email, with prizes for winning. Periodically, during the two year stint of the show, Good Karma admitted it did not disclose the entire list of prizes. As such, the Commission stated that they “failed to fully and accurately disclose all material terms of the Contest” and more importantly “the Licensee apparently failed to periodically make on-air announcements of the Contest’s material terms throughout the course of the Contest, as required”. Although the licensee stated that it posted general contest rules on its website, the Commission asserted “We reject any suggestion that such non-broadcast disclosure may act as a substitute for broadcast announcements” and that posting does not excuse the Good Karma Broadcasting from liability. NAL Good Karma DA 10-2319
Category: Enforcement CornerFree Narrowbanding Workshop Scheduled
A workshop organized by the FCC to assist Public Safety and Industrial/Business licensees with their narrowband transition will be held January 26, 2011, from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. EST. The workshop, being held at the FCC’s Washington, D.C. office, will include representatives from federal agencies, equipment manufacturers and public safety organizations. Live simultaneous broadcast will be available on the FCC’s web page MORE: FCC PN December 23, 2010.
Category: In the news