Don’t Overlook the B/ILT Incumbents

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

In December of 2017, EWA informed Business/Industrial Land Transportation (B/ILT) and Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) licensees in the greater Chicago metropolitan area that Verizon intended to test Power Spectral Density (PSD) cellular operations to evaluate new power limits necessary to operate PSD-based operations in the 800 MHz band. Revised Federal Communications Commission rules became effective December 1, requiring carriers authorized in the 800 MHz cellular portion of the band to notify local public safety entities that are licensed in the band. However, and unfortunately, Verizon was not required to and did not notify non-public safety licensees. For that reason, EWA stepped in to alert these licensees that their operations may be affected. Further, EWA informed Verizon of the presence of non-public safety incumbents that may be impacted by their cellular operation modifications.


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