But No …

I don’t take it back. I had previously announced that a practicable solution was in fact identified to resolve the dilemma of T-Band applicants having to protect non-operational TV stations and stations transmitting on channels not even close to T-Band spectrum in the coordination process. No licensee rights were trampled. Time and money would be saved. Spectrum would be put to use benefiting public safety and business interests sooner rather than later. But no. Nay. Nay. The solution was just way too easy. Who knew that to bypass non-operational TV stations would require a fly-by of the Office of General Counsel, and the need to consider the ramifications of continuing to protect dark TV channels. You can’t make this stuff up. So we now await the FCC decision to potentially grant a blanket waiver for T-Band incumbents who run afoul of phantom TV stations. But there is no promise that solution will come to pass either. 

… Mark