Thank You, Merchandise and Service Sponsors!
Registration Open
We look forward to seeing you during event badge pickup, and onsite registration.
Continental Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall
Please join your colleagues and visit with our exhibitors and sponsors in the Networking & Exhibit Hall for breakfast.
EWA Annual Membership Meeting
Members are invited to this closed business meeting when Enterprise Wireless Alliance leadership will present 2024 advocacy and enhanced membership service activities.
Break in the Exhibit Hall
EWA Board of Directors Meeting
The Enterprise Wireless Alliance welcomes the members of its Board of Directors for a closed meeting to discuss activities of the Alliance.
C-CSC Board of Directors Meeting
Members of the Consortium of Certified Service Centers Board of Directors are invited to a closed meeting to discuss the activities of C-CSC and the CSC program.
Lunch on Your Own
The Wireless Leadership Summit officially begins at 2pm. Lunch today is on your own.
Opening Remarks
EWA's President/CEO Robin Cohen and Chair of the Board Frank Anderson welcome attendees to the 2024 Wireless Leadership Summit.
Frank Anderson, A Beep, LLC
Robin Cohen, Enterprise Wireless Alliance
Lightning Round
In this fun, fast-paced session, Summit exhibitors showcase new products and services. Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the latest tech!
Break in the Exhibit Hall
Critical Industry Advocacy Initiatives
Join EWA President/CEO Robin Cohen and Regulatory Counsel Liz Sachs for an engaging overview of the active regulatory issues that can affect your business.
Robin Cohen, Enterprise Wireless Alliance
Liz Sachs, Lukas, LaFuria, Lantor & Sachs, LLP
Moderator: David Gottlieb, Goosetown Communications
Break in the Exhibit Hall
Keynote - The Role of AI and Machine Learning in LMR
Consumer products that use Artificial Intelligence are all around us. Does AI and machine learning have a role in supporting critical communications? What changes will AI and ML bring to land mobile radio and private wireless?
Learn how AI and ML are being used in critical communications today and the role they may play in the future. Dr. Walt Magnussen, Director of the Internet2 Technology Evaluation Center (ITEC) at Texas A&M University will share research underway at ITEC, which focuses on critical communications interoperability and cyber security for public safety, defense, transportation, energy, and critical infrastructure.
Dr. Walt Magnussen, Internet2 Technology Evaluation Center
Opening Reception in the Exhibit Hall
Network with industry colleagues, visit exhibitors and examine the latest in industry technology!
While networking, support the EWA-Joseph B. Vestal Endowed Scholarship by bidding on must-have items in the Silent Auction, donated by Summit exhibitors. The scholarship, in honor of distinguished executive and leader Joe Vestal (1933-2020) awards financial aid to a student enrolled in Electrical Engineering Technology or Information Systems Management studies at Old Dominion University.
Speakers Included

Christine Adee

Frank Anderson

Jon Paul Beauchamp

Jason Brennan

Robin Cohen

Tyler Brodbeck

David “Dave” Crawford, CISSP, PMP

Mark Crosby

Kyle Entz

David Gottlieb

Don Griffis

Kevin Gunn

Ziad Habayeb

Eric Hill

Lori Henz

Jay Kaine

Paul Lauttamus

Dr. Walt Magnussen

Michael Orzetti

Brett Phennicie

David Reeves, CET

Joe Reynolds, CSP (ret.)

Liz Sachs

Sandra Wendelken

Hilton Fort Worth
The Wireless Leadership Summit 2024 was held at the Hilton Fort Worth. Location and additional information for the 2025 Summit will be provided on this page.

Exhibitor and Sponsorship Information
Each year, the Wireless Leadership Summit has been the key event for executives and business owners in the private wireless industry to learn about new regulatory requirements, network with their fellow professionals, and discover new technologies in the exhibit hall.
Hundreds of one-on-one conversations were held in a relaxed atmosphere with the business owners for the largest wireless system operators, vendors, and service organizations in the U.S. That’s what the Wireless Leadership Summit always delivers.
As with the Novemeber 2024 event, the 2025 WLS will have multiple sponsorship opportunities to enhance your WLS visibility. Location and additional information for the 2025 Summit will be provided on this page.
Conference Director Elaine Walsh may be contacted to learn more about future opportunities, such as exhibit space selection and sponsorships: or 520-620-0063.
Exhibitors at the 2024 Wireless Leadership Summit included:

Supporting Education in Wireless By Bidding During the WLS Silent Auction
Dozens of attendees showed their support for the EWA-Joseph B. Vestal Endowed Scholarship by bidding during a silent auction on must-have items during the Wireless Leadership Summit. The scholarship honors distinguished executive and wireless industry leader Joe Vestal (1933-2020), and awards financial aid to a student enrolled in Electrical Engineering Technology or Information Systems Management studies at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. ODU was the alma mater of Mr. Vestal.
Exhibitors each year contribute silent auction items, which have ranged from resort stays to industry and high-tech gear to sporting goods. Throughout 2023 and during the November 2024 silent auction, more than $10,000 was raised!
Learn more about the Vestal Scholarship, including making a donation any time throughout the year.